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College Scholarships

Please note - Unless otherwise stated, these scholarships are not sponsored by the VCNAA The scholarships listed here were available at the time this document was created. You are responsible for checking each scholarship thoroughly for requirements and any updates and/or availability. This list is not intended to be a complete list of all scholarships, and you should also check with your local tribal offices and other resources for additional opportunities. 

Vermont/New England Native American Scholarship Opportunities

Abenaki Educational Scholarship Fund

Chief Leonard "Blackie" Lampman Scholarship

University of Vermont First Nations' Scholarship

Vermont Law School First Nations Scholarship

Institute for American Indian Studies

Russell Orchards Farm & Winery

Mount Holyoke College Scholarship

Vermont General Scholarship Resources

Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC)

VSAC Scholarships & Forgivable Loans for Vermonters Booklet

National Native American Scholarship Resources

American Indian College Fund

Native Forward Scholars Fund

American Indian Education Fund

Association on American Indian Affairs

Catching the Dream

Daughters of the American Revolution

Indian Health Service

Udall Foundation

American Indian Science and Engineering Society

Continental Society Daughters of Indian Wars

Pauahi Foundation

Society for American Archaeology


American Indian Medical Scholarship

Brown and Caldwell

BIPOC/Minority Scholarship Resources

New England Statistical Society

National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering

National Press Club Journalism Institute

American Meteorological Society Minority Scholarship

The Gates Scholarship

The Gates Millennium Scholars Program

American Chemical Society Scholars Program

The Geological Society of America

Association for Women Geoscientists

The LAGRANT Foundation

National Society of Professional Engineers

Society for Classical Studies

Public Relations Student Society 

Jackie Robinson Foundation


The Actuarial Foundation